Dr. Annise Mabry Foundation > Posts tagged "lgtbq students"
Diploma Hat Toss

Homeschooling Through High School (It’s Easier Than You Think)

According to statistics published by the National Center for Education Statistics, 5.4% of children were homeschooled during 2020-2021. The number of homeschooled children has been steadily rising over the course of the last several decades; and yet, many parents and students still harbor a lot of hesitancy around the idea of homeschooling.    If you've found yourself wondering, "Should I homeschool my child/myself?" or "How difficult is homeschooling?", we can help. Here, we'll discuss the advantages and misconceptions of homeschooling, who is a good candidate for homeschooling, and more.  Debunking Myths About Homeschooling There are a lot of lingering negative stereotypes and misconceptions about homeschooling. Common misconceptions about...